Corporate Registers Forum 2017
March 6-10, 2017
Hong Kong

Cheri Myers

President-Elect of IACA &
Director of Corporations Division,
North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State,


Cheri Myers is the Director of Corporations at the North Carolina (NC) Secretary of State’s Office.  She oversees the Corporations Division, which consists of the Corporations Unit as well as the Authentications Office, other State mandated programs, and receipting functions.   She is instrumental in providing the general public, business owners, and the legal and international communities’ business assistance to achieve their goals. Cheri has been associated with the NC Secretary of State’s Office since 1997 and is an alumnus of the College of Management at North Carolina State University.  She has been a member of the International Association of Commercial Administrators ( IACA) since 2005 and is currently the President-Elect.